Saturday, June 19, 2010


Ok, so this is Lucy. I would write as though I were Cody, but I am pretty sure you would be able to tell. Since Cody is very busy right now, which is a good thing, I thought I would fill you in on the lastest.

1) Cody got a piece of steel in his eye for the third time. He grinds steel that is newly welded and little pieces start flying. This last piece of steel had to be grinded out of his eye by an optometrist in Vegas. He was in a lot of pain the night before and barely slept. He thought the pain was bad then, but after the steel and rust was grinded out, and the numbing went away, he was in more pain. The optometrist put a contact on his eye to act a band-aid. He is wearing sunglasses inside and outside because it is so sensitive. I have threatened him with his life if he doesn't wear the type of goggles that suction his eyes! I am sure it is not very comfortable, but this going to the doctor to get steel out of his eye thing is getting old.

2) Cody has been busy with tour rides. He took a group from Vegas a few days ago. This weekend he has three guys from Vegas. One is a sports medicine doctor that treats famous athletes, the doctor's dad from Ohio, and a reality T.V. show writer. The writer even told Cody he wanted to bring a show out to Alamo to feature him. I laughed when Cody told me, but it would be pretty cool if Cody got the last laugh!

3) We have officially got our first customer since our business was established. Two horses were brought to Cody for him to train. We hope that our first customer is pleased with the end results. I am sure that Cody will do an excellent job.

4) Cody got the flu the other day. I offered to feed the horses for him since he was down. This led to another cowboy appreciation day. I fed the horses, filled their water buckets, and cleaned their stalls. The feeding took a bit longer than it would for Cody because to get enough hay in each stall it took me three trips each. Cleaning the stalls was as awful as I imagined. As I scopped up gigantic poops from the stall I wondered how I ever got to this point! I always knew that flies decompose the poop, but I was not aware of how many are helping in the process. Everytime I scooped, five million flies were attacking me (or so it seemed ;). Each stall filled an entire wheelbarrow; that is pretty impressive. After the scooping, I probably spoiled the horses a little because I fed them apple treats. All I have to say is...If I was a horse, I would want apple treats.

5) My last thought is...I get bothered when Cody is not busy enough with business, and I am bothered when Cody is never home becuase of business. I can't win! =)


  1. ouch, i hope codys eye feels better soon. lucy good for cleaning those stalls i'm pretty sure thats nobodys favorite past time.

  2. Sometimes, I feel that same way, I don't get enough time with my Husband and I miss him but then when he's home too much, it seems like I can't get anything done, so then I'm wishing he was at work. How horrible is that. At least now I know I'm not the only one.;)

  3. I love the way you love your cowboy. Cause, I wonder even after almost twenty years of complete marrital bliss if I would ever have cleaned out a stall for mine. I guess if mine were down I would have to cowboy up real fast. Cody is such a good guy, it is nice to know he is so loved. Thanks for all you do.
